Kategoriler: Genel

Villa Turkey

Avrupa’da çok yaygın olan turizm yörelerinde yabancı turistlere belirli sürelerle villa kiralanması, Türkiye’de yeni yeni hareketlenmeye başladı. Merkezi Belçika’da olan şirketimiz anlaşmalı olduğu Avrupalı emlak şirketleri ile yabancı yatırımcıları sizle

How to Contact Us
Many people buying property in Turkey are buying for investment, some looking for a holiday home with the aim of also making a little money and others as a dedicated investment that they may never even visit. It is essential that potential buyers of property in Turkey understand the procedures as it is a new country with regard to overseas property investment. Buying property in an emerging market such as Turkey is very different from buying in a more traditional market like Spain, where millions of buyers already own homes from all corners of the world. In Spain the procedures are tried and tested and every notary is well experienced. However, in Turkey this is not the case and the lack of experience and firm procedures may lead to delays and confusion.

Purchase Through a Reputable Agent

In Turkey there are some potential pitfalls as many properties do not have titles or planning permission or have simply been constructed illegally. In 2004 the Turkish Daily News reported 600,000 illegal homes in Istanbul alone. There are also various types of “title” available in Turkey giving different land ownership rights. For this reason and the fact that Turkey is new to the overseas property scene, it is extremely important to use a quality agent that can guide you through all the potential problems.



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